The Problem of Arrogance

One of the primary reasons for the downfall of many leaders is the problem of arrogance. Arrogance defeats leadership in many ways, especially in these two: 1) arrogance inhibits a person’s ability to learn or take in information and 2) arrogance inhibits a person’s ability to build meaningful relationships with others.

Arrogance has these two definitions in the Merriam-Webster dictionary: 1) exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner and 2) showing an offensive attitude of superiority. Arrogance is very much the opposite of humility.

It is easy for a leader to fall into the trap of arrogance. First of all, the leader is placed in a position within the organization above others. He or she most probably has been elevated in organizational position above one-time peers, often many times. Both the position and the process of being elevated can go to one’s head, making him/her begin to believe that they are superior in some way (or in many ways) compared to others. Arrogance is a mindset as well as a character trait.

The first problem with an arrogant person is that they begin to believe that they are always correct and that they have all the answers. When someone begins to think this way, they no longer need to take in more information. They ignore or dismiss the input of those around them. By ignoring information, the arrogant person becomes just that, ignorant. They stifle the conversation around them and force others to accept their viewpoint. In doing so, the arrogant person can easily miss out on important information or alternative viewpoints, thus jeopardizing their decision-making process.

The second problem can be a corollary to the first. An arrogant person dismisses information from others and, in doing so, is perceived as dismissive of the other person. By human nature, we are not likely to build a relationship of trust and respect with a person who is dismissive of us, who shows no value for us. People only follow a leader when there is an established relationship of trust and respect. Therefore, the arrogant leader cannot inspire others, they can only rely upon command and control.

Arrogance should not be confused with confidence or self-esteem. Self-esteem is a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself. Confidence is a realistic belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities. As a leader, we can be aware of the special gifts and abilities with which we have been endowed while still being open to listening and learning as well as valuing the person of those around us. Confidence is one of the character traits that make a leader effective as opposed to arrogance, which will make a person ineffective.

Arrogance is the opposite of humility. Where arrogance dismisses or devalues those around us, humility regards others as of equal value. Human value is not a function of either position or gifting.

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2 (ESV)

Arrogance is a trait that can creep up on us, so we need to be aware and vigilant that it does not overtake us. If you find yourself feeling increasingly arrogant, be quick to stomp it out. Here are some possible ways to keep arrogance at bay:

  • Be vulnerable and authentic. Be quick to recognize and admit mistakes. Be quick to seek the input and advice of others.
  • Practice humility. Express the value that you see in those around you. Recognize that many of your gifts and talents are not of your own doing but are provided to you by your Creator.
  • Be vigilant for any expressions of arrogance. Catch yourself and examine the impact that any signs of arrogance have on your effectiveness and your relationships.
  • Keep a journal of daily successes and failures and successes and failures. Use it as a guide for reflection and for setting personal development goals.
  • Ask those that are close to you to hold you accountable. The simple act of asking for accountability will heighten your awareness.

Remember that effective leadership is built upon relationships of trust and respect. Humility is one of the traits that build these relationships and arrogance is like dynamite, destroying relationships and our ability to lead.

Do you show signs of arrogance in your leadership relationships? What are you doing to tame that arrogance?

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