Your Growth Plans for 2017


At the beginning of a new year it seems appropriate to think about how we can grow in this coming year to increase our effectiveness. I like to think of growth in the three dimensions in which our life should be showing fruit – person, people, and performance.

Person – How effective am I as a person? What are the patterns of my thoughts and behaviors? What are the strengths and weaknesses in my character? In what ways do I plan to grow as a person over this year? Who will serve as my mentor? Who will hold me accountable?

People – How effective am I in my relationships? What relational skills do I need to build up? How would I describe my emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses? Who are the people in my life where I need to strengthen or repair a relationship? What are my priorities and does my calendar reflect them? Where will I find encouragement and accountability along my growth path?

Performance – How effective am I in my performance, including career, ministry, or even my hobbies? What new areas of knowledge or skill will make me more well-rounded or add to my capabilities? What skills do I need to enhance? What do I need to add to my background for achieving my life plan?

The Townsend Leadership Program is a cohort leadership program based on the premise that leadership is built on character and competency. The program is structured to help participants increase their effectiveness and grow in these three areas of the fruit of our lives – person, people, and performance.

Contact us for a free 30-minute coaching session to develop a growth plan for 2017.

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