Fear of Conflict

As a leader, it is often necessary to lean into conflict. This conflict might be based on some disagreement that someone has with us or it might be a conflict between two team members. There is great value in having divergent views and seeking...

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Feedback Is Always Positive

Oh, don’t misunderstand the title of this article. Feedback is sometimes affirmational and sometimes corrective. Feedback identifies specific actions or behaviors and then asks (or directs) the recipient to provide either more of, less of, or the...

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Leaders Speak Last

In a team setting, leaders should generally wait to speak last. A boss might feel the need to speak first, as a statement of his/her power and position. Or they might be a control freak, afraid to not have everything go their way. In a weak team...

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The Context for Feedback

Imagine a situation where the only time that your boss said anything to you was when he/she pointed out what you had done wrong. How motivated would you be? Would you look forward to seeing your boss again soon? Would you value the feedback that...

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The Value of Feedback

Feedback, from an engineering perspective, is the process in which part of the output of a system is returned to its input in order to regulate its further output. In the workplace, the term ‘feedback’ is used to describe the helpful information...

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