We see the need for more effective leadership just about everywhere. Our passion is to help people grow and succeed as leaders. Therefore we coach, write, and speak, on leadership and facilitate cohort leadership development groups, including both the Trusted Advisors program and the Townsend Leadership Program. How can we help you grow as a person and as a leader?

Leadership Coaching
Two words that are utilized to describe today’s business world are change and challenge. To be effective in today’s world requires that every leader be the best version of themselves possible. To do so, requires personal growth and change, no matter who you are. Whether preparing for a move into a new role or facing the developing challenges of the current environment, we must be sharpening ourselves and building new skills or new ways of thinking. The coaching process has continually proven itself essential to lasting and effective change and growth.
Coaching is a forward-facing accountability relationship between a coach and a coachee that is focused on defining and achieving personal growth goals. Different from mentoring, consulting, or counseling, coaching provides assistance to the client in discovering and defining the client’s goals and the route to achieving those goals.
Our coaching process is tailored to individual needs, challenges and objectives. We work together with the leader to set goals, identify measures of success, and build a customized development plan for getting there.
Through a one-on-one, confidential relationship with a supportive leadership expert, executives build awareness of their strengths and weaknesses and develop new strategies, outlooks and skills so they can tackle challenges that they have not faced before. Coaching provides a rare and valuable opportunity for leaders to gain fresh insights and develop new ways of thinking and acting that will take them to the next level of performance. The coaching process is also effective for teams that are stuck or desire to grow in effectiveness.
To apply for a coaching relationship, please complete our Coaching Client Information Form and our Coaching Client Agreement.
Trusted Advisors, a CBMC Leadership Institute program
Trusted Advisors Forum is a peer advisory group for Christian leaders of businesses, such as presidents, owners, CEOs, or COOs. The objective of this program is to assist these business leaders to grow as Godly men and Godly leaders so that they and their businesses might function as effective ministers of the Gospel. As a peer group of like-minded men, Trusted Advisors facilitates growth in each member’s personal, business, and spiritual life. Each Trusted Advisors group is composed of 8-12 men who meet once a month for 3-5 hours under the guidance of a trained facilitator. For those that qualify, the commitment is for 12 months and an investment of $150/month. See more information on our Resources page or contact Ken Vaughan, the Area Coordinator of Peer Group Programs for Northeast Ohio CBMC.
Townsend Leadership Program
Effective leadership is based on a strong combination of task skills and people skills. Leaders need a foundation of character, a framework of emotional intelligence, appropriate expertise, and the intelligence to put these all together effectively. The best leaders are lifetime learners as they understand the need to continually grow as they progress in their responsibilities and expectations. A cohort system is recognized as a highly effective part of this growth process. Unfortunately many leaders fall short in their effectiveness because they see themselves as too busy to invest in growth.
The Townsend Leadership Program (TLP) is a program developed by Dr. John Townsend, a recognized author, psychologist, business consultant, and leadership coach to help leaders maximize their effectiveness. The fundamental premise of TLP is that leadership is based on the combination of competency and character. TLP is a cohort program where members meet for a full day once a month for teaching on leadership and effectiveness, individual SWOT analysis exercises, and intensive interactional small group sessions. Participants set individual long- and short-term goals. Between the meetings there are resources for growth and a relational-connection accountability system amongst the group members as well as individual coaching from the Program Director.
Ken Vaughan is Program Director for the Townsend Leadership Program. Personally trained by John Townsend, Ken combines more than 20 years in corporate leadership roles, 20 years of business strategy consulting, and 30 years of mentoring, lay counseling, and coaching to effectively lead group members in their leadership and personal growth process. See more on Ken’s qualifications.
See more information on the Townsend Leadership Program, see the video where Dr. Townsend describes TLP, or see what people say about the program.