Where and How to Compete

The best definition of business strategy, at least in my opinion, is a statement of where and how an organization intends to compete. A longer version of this definition would be business strategy is a description of where and how an organization...

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Focus and Choice

Business strategy is about focus and choice. Strategy answers the question, what will we choose to focus on and what will we choose not to focus on? The struggle that many organizations deal with when trying to think strategically is a fear of...

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Strategic Focus

Strategic focus is essential to business success. It is the ability to identify the one path that the business intends to take to accomplish its objective and to then relentlessly pursue that path while ignoring other paths along the way. Many...

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A Different Differentiation

Strategic differentiation is achieved by providing a unique or different value offering to customers as compared to competitors. A strategy of differentiation is based on developing a deep understanding of customers’ needs and then meeting those...

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Strategy Should Say No

An effective strategy sets the direction for the business but it also should be specific enough to say no – no to pursuing certain customers, no to entering certain markets, no to certain programs or investments, no to hiring a certain...

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