Volume or Vision

What sort of a boss are you? How do you motivate your team members?

For some people, their leadership practice consists of volume. Using a command and control style, they attempt to drive people to perform. Some of the command and control bosses think that the volume of their commands or stating them emphatically with colorful language, makes them more effective. These bosses demand respect and demand that their team members perform.

When speaking about leadership, we often talk about leaders and their followers. But the command and control boss doesn’t have followers, those that willingly contribute. Their team members are more like subjects or fiefs under the rule of the boss. This type of boss sees people as assets to be utilized.

Another choice for leadership could be termed the “vision” model. These leaders value their team members. They treat their team members with respect and build a relationship with them. In return, the team members respect and trust their leader. This leader communicates a vision to the team and the team willingly embraces the vision and follows the respected leader.

To some, this route to leadership may seem to require more effort. The right to lead is earned through character and effort. But the end result is much better. Team members in the “vision” model buy in to the vision and are willing to go the extra mile to achieve the leader’s goals. The team members are more satisfied and more fulfilled, leading to higher productivity and innovation. But in the final analysis, it isn’t just the performance achieved; rather, it is the way that people deserve to be treated.

What sort of a boss are you? How do you motivate your team members?

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